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IC and Its Relationship to Fibromyalgia: 3 Things That You Can Do

IC and Its Relationship to Fibromyalgia: 3 Things That You Can Do

Woman in painAs part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, and GERD) fibromyalgia seems to be the most unrelated of all the diseases listed in the syndrome  That is, if you understand that from an energy science point of view all disease begins in the GI tract and so IBS and GERD make a whole lot of sense

But fibromyalgia(FM) which at one time was labeled as muscular arthritis seems remotely associated with the pelvic diseases that make up the syndrome  However as I have written about in the past the energy science sees this bladder syndrome as being created in the GI tract as an imbalance of qualities or vibrational frequencies that when the pressure is high enough leave the gut and disseminate to the adjacent pelvic plexus of nerves to bring about symptoms

What Ties IC and FM Together?

IC involves the nervous tissue of the pelvic plexus of nerves around the rectum , prostate, vagina, and bladder  Dependent on which nerves are involved determines which organs will be most symptomatic  If the nerves going to the vagina are more involved then the symptoms of vulvodynia predominate and the bladder symptoms are less  Or the converse can be true, where most of the symptoms are bladder and there may be no or little vaginal symptoms  I have written several blog posts regarding the pelvic innervation involvement

Both IC and FM energetically arise from the colon  In IC the imbalance of qualities leads to distribution to the pelvic nerves  In FM the classic distribution of these qualities can go to the muscles and and the soft tissues around the joints  Symptoms of pain and burning come and go and become migratory, sometimes in one area only to move to another  In this way the toxic load associated with Vata and Pitta find their way to muscles of the body

But in another form of FM there can be arthritic like symptoms  From an energy science view the nervous system and the joint space are anatomically connected  This is because the major function of this tissue layer is to fill space  Any space in the body including the joint spaces are part of the nervous system tissue  This explains why some people with IC can have arthritis like symptoms and/or muscle like symptoms labeled as FM

3 Things You Can Do

Apart from obvious things of eating a nutritional format appropriate for your energy makeup and avoiding incompatible food combinations here are 3 things that you can do to treat FM in either form

1 Massaging medicated oil into the painful muscle points or around the involved joints can be relieving to these areas  Mahanaryan oil is a very potent oil used in this type of complex of symptoms

2 The use of ginger powder mixed with mahanaryan oil can be effective to involved tissues because over time the ginger will help to burn off the toxic load that comes to these involved areas with Vata and Pitta

Basti  As I have written before in previous posts the treatment to get rid of the collected qualities or vibrational frequencies that have accumulated in the above tissue sites whether in the muscle or joint space is to allow them to come back to the GIT  This happens when there is a negative pressure created in the colon by the use of medicated basti




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