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Healing IC Is Not For Everyone: 3 Requirements

Healing IC Is Not For Everyone:  3 Requirements

bigstock_Decision_Making_3544162From my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms  But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms  So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility

Chronic Debility and IC

Those with the chronic disease of the IC bladder pain syndrome(fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) will suffer due to the unrelenting symptoms that are associated with not just interstitial cystitis but with its other attendant “sister disease labels” listed above  Usually it’s the IBS that becomes a major problem because as I’ve written in the past, from an energy science view all disease begins in the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) and this is the major driving force for the development and perpetuation of IC in the first place

So healing IC is not so hard for two thirds of IC patients if they are fortunate to fall into the remission category but for the one third of patients it’s frankly a difficult but not impossible job

The Brave Need Only Apply

There will be a few brave souls who will embark on a healing journey because they are so miserable or so incapacitated that life is not worth living if they have to be unemployed and lose their social network

But to do so requires courage, determination, and discipline to stay on task because as I’ve talked about in the past real healing using the energy science approach takes time  It requires a gentle correction of the quantitative imbalances that have occurred over time that gradually need to be resolved

3 Requirements for Healing Chronic IC

1  Belief   One of the sole purposes of this blog is to defeat the aphorism that is repeatedly stated in the IC community, “treatable but not curable”  So a patient embarking on taking on the healing of IC must at least in part overcome this negativity that nothing can be done  This mindset is probably the most difficult in healing any chronic disease  That realizing that life will be better and that there is hope is the best medicine   This belief then supports the next two requirements

2 Time/patience   The imbalance of Vata/Pitta creates an impatient mind…..I want the result yesterday  One can support the healing process but not rush it  Expecting more often sabotages the process since energy science healing requires persistent and consistent work  And it’s not like one doesn’t get positive reinforcement along the way  There will occur improved quality of life and lessening of symptoms as one does the work but there will be ups and downs  This is why journaling can be so valuable  One is able to see that there is improvement as one marks the way

3 Peeling an Onion  Even though no two imbalances are exactly alike the process of healing chronic IC requires that when one symptom seems to get better and resolve that there will be another that seemingly comes up for healing as one peels the onion  This is true of any chronic imbalance that is created in the body and is corrected  To realize this reduces the risk of discouragement as one goes forward in the healing process  Some long time readers may remember the graph depicting the wave form of creating and healing disease

To Health as a Skill   Dr Bill Dean

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