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IC and Your Bowel Vacation: 5 Things to Do

IC and Your Bowel Vacation: 5 Things to Do

FireFrom an energy point of view all disease begins in the GI tract  The energetics of the foods taken in can produce flares and the continuing chronic condition of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, and GERD)  This is why nutrition is so important in the management of any chronic disease and as you know particularly with IC  As we have talked about in recent blogs the importance of bowel health and specifically digestive power is a major step in improving not only your general overall health but also to help control the flare symptoms of IC syndrome

The Bowel Vacation

Wouldn’t you think it unusual for someone not to ever take some time off?  To maintain mental strength and creativity we all need breaks from work and a little R and R

So if it’s true for our lifestyle choices shouldn’t it be true for parts of us as well?  However the idea of giving the bowel some time off doesn’t seem to be part of the equation  Trigger words such as water or juice fasting come up for many and cause people to cringe at the thought of going without food

But a bowel vacation means that the heavy foods normally consumed(pizza, rich cream sauces, lots of meat, heavy dairy. ice cream as examples) are removed from the nutritional meals for 3 or 4 days and a more simple diet is taken

You see the enzyme systems(the chemical fire if you will) need to be replenished and if you’re continually asking our agni or digestive power to be used over and over again it becomes overtaxed  These above wet logs as I call then place a heavy strain on your campfire(agni) and at times it is not up to par leading to toxic accumulation  In essence increase of toxic load is what is behind the whole idea of detoxification

How To Go On a Bowel Vacation: 5  Things to Do

1  Make something simple to digest  Kitchari is a time honored energy science nutritional tool to give your bowel enzyme systems a break from their work  You can find it here at this link   Do this for 5 days and notice how your bowel symptoms begin melting away!

2 If hungry snack on a piece of fruit but not in the meal

3  Consider an occasional juice day

4 Use cooling spices(cumin coriander fennel vanila turmeric cardamom)  and avoid hot ones (eg garlic oregano sage rosemary thyme etc)

5 Use 2 handfuls as a guideline as to how much to eat at any one time

These simple things done based on your energy constitutional makeup will go a long ways toward improving your digestive power and enhancing your health









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