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IC and the Bloats: 10 Energy Science Solutions

IC and the Bloats:  10 Energy Science Solutions

Woman Stomachache In BedThe IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) originates in the bowel according to the energy science of Ayurveda so it’s not surprising that bowel disorders are common in the syndrome  Bloating is one of the bowel symptoms that occur with the syndrome

The Matter Science Approach

Bloating or abdominal distention is a common digestive problem which typically occurs after eating and varies in degree like any symptom At times it may be very transient, lasting for short period of time(hour or less) while in others it may last longer(several hours or an entire day)

It is described by the matter science as a functional bowel disorder, that is, a motility disorder of the gut  It’s not known why this motility problem occurs although matter science researchers suggest that it’s related to alterations in the gut flora or the microbiome  This has been termed dysbiosis and SIBO has been used of recent to define this alteration in gut flora  There is an older cousin to SIBO that has been recognized for some time initially in children called “leaky gut syndrome”  Once felt by the research establishment as a ridiculous concept is now being taken seriously

As is usually the case the matter science is rich in testing and trying to come up with names of these human biological disease phenomena but not so effective in determining treatment  Drugs or pharma have not been very effective in dealing with bloating but because they pay the bills for the current medical establishment reports don’t surface as to their ineffectiveness

The Energy Science Approach to the Bloats

In the energy science world of Ayurveda there is one primary reason for bloating and that’s poor digestive strength or agni  As I have written a number of times in this blog agni is essential for health from an Ayurvedic perspective and without it the individual is bound to incur disease of some form  It’s not a matter of “if” it’s really only “when”  The fundamental reason that the matter(molecular) science model of healing has trouble with dealing with digestive disorders in general is the Western allopathic model(these are all synonyms) has no understanding of the concept of agni

Poor agni can lead to a couple of different scenarios The primary result is the production of undigested, unprocessed food called ama and this leads to the interference of movement of food through the small bowel…..this interference leads to bloating  Since the microbiome(gut flora) is an integral part of agni or the digestive fire, the matter science is getting close to understanding what Ayurveda has been articulating as a model of healing for 5,000 years but still not there yet  So for now, take some pills

As ama progresses over time(years) more and more congestion in the gut occurs leading to progressive worsening of the bloating  This leads to a second and fortunately less common reason…….a change in the direction of the normal downward movement of energy in the rectum and this interferes with normal rectal function and bowel movement function  This becomes the “end of the road” for many who initially are treated as IBS due to the symptoms of their bloating  But this progression leads to a severe complex of symptoms that are difficult to treat

Bloating:  10 Energy Science Solutions

These are meant to be added to each other over time  Don’t try to do all at once or your mind WILL rebel

Eat according to your energy constitutional makeup 

Avoid incompatible food combinations

Avoid overeating.….2handfuls for any one meal  Place a bowl that sits comfortably in your 2 cupped hands….now that’s how much you should eat at your biggest meal of the day

Biggest meal at noon

Use spices ALL THE TIME in your cooking….fresh ginger turmeric cumin coriander fennel vanilla fresh basil

Use GHEE instead of butter or cooking oil….ghee has the qualities of digestive fire

Exercise regularly but don’t overdo it….pranayama is the best way to stoke agni

Avoid fatty fried foods

Make a deal with yourself to always sit to eat  The more focus and attention you bring to eating the better your agni digestion  When you calm the mind you improve agni which from a mental standpoint is better focused attention  Calm the mind with meditation….at an energy level the mind and body are intimately spliced…you cannot separate them(you can’t say this using the matter science model)

Fasting  This does not have to be a water fast….simply using juice or fruit for 24hours….or eat dinner at 6-7p and don’t eat until 8a the next morning and you have a 12h fast

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