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A Simple Cheap Effective Way to Help Change IC

A Simple Cheap Effective Way to Help Change IC

Breath techniqueThe energy science of Ayurveda views disease as imbalance of qualities or vibrational frequencies that produce symptoms in specific tissues  As in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia)the qualities from the gut lodge into the pelvic nerves  These then begin producing the symptoms of burning(hot quality) in the urethra and vagina, urinary frequency(mobile quality) and urgency, and aching(dull and rough qualities) suprapubic pain  This often occurs in an episodic way, the so called flare

Why Don’t These Qualities Go Away?

The qualities lodge into the pelvic nerves(nervous tissue) and fail to return to the GI tract due to toxicity associated with them which is called ama  The reason that ama or toxic load occurs in the first place is related to poor agni which I have blogged about in the past  This is why I have emphasized various agni enhancing techniques such as CCF tea

This sticky gooey substance “gums up the tissues” so to speak trapping the qualities that have migrated from the gut into the nervous tissue

How to Get Rid of Tissue Ama?

In the energy science there are several ways to remove nervous tissue ama but one of the simplest ways is to improve the agni or digestive fire of the nervous tissue itself  If the tissue ama plugging up the works and holding the qualities in the nervous tissue then the simple solution is to burn off the ama or toxic load  Physical exercise in general is a good way to improve agni and hence burn off ama

Breathing exercises called pranayama specifically can stimulate tissue agni and burn off ama hence leading the nervous tissue release of the excessive qualities and send them back to the GI tract for removal

5 Things To Know About the Exercises

1 This is a very specific set of pranayama done in specific way to burn off ama

2 Should be done consistently on a daily basis, first thing in the morning

3 Takes about 30 minutes a day when doing the full sequence

4 How long to see results is based on how much ama is present  Said another way, how long have you been sick?  The rule of thumb is 2months for every year of IC

5 Requires sitting to produce an erect posture

Next week I’ll outline the pranayama sequence that can change your life

This is simple, cheap and only requires your initiative  What have you got to lose except being healthier by doing the exercise?  Too good to be true?  See for yourself






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