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IC and What It Means As Chronic Disease: 5 Ways to Get Rid of Unhealthy Lifestyle Behavior Patterns(LBP)

IC and What It Means As Chronic Disease: 5 Ways to Get Rid of Unhealthy Lifestyle Behavior Patterns(LBP)

Buffalo Slow DownIt’s estimated that 60-70% of people with the interstitial cystitis will resolve the problem spontaneously  The percentage probably goes higher for those who do simple nutritional work as explained at and

So we are left with about 20% of the IC population who will go on to chronic disease who will display more than one of the disease labels of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia)  This 20% represents the true chronic disease population who will need more change than just simple nutritional advice

Chronic Disease Means Chronic Management

Acute disease is short lived and the solutions are straight forward  But chronic disease management requires continuous ongoing treatment therapies which become a problem for us living in a Vata vitiated society who want our solutions yesterday

From an energy science point of view treatment guidelines revolve around those which center on lifestyle behavior patterns(LBP) which are the most difficult for us as humans to deal with  From an epigenetic view the reason for this is actually based on methylation groups that prevent us from changing easily  This methylation obstructs us from changing our LBP  Essentially unhealthy LBP are obstacles to health

Holocaust survivors have high levels of methylation and leave them mentally “scarred”  Unfortunately this methylated scarring becomes heritable whatever the traumatic event may be  But it brings up questions for us such as “Is agni or eating patterns heritable?”

The good news for us who are challenged by LBP’s that are not supportive for healing IC is remember that is takes just 8 weeks to reverse patterns not supportive of moving in the right direction  That’s right, 8 weeks to reverse those pesky methylation patterns that prevent us from changing to healthy LBP’s

What Makes a Healthy LBP?

Ayurveda, the energy science of healing, gives us guidelines for healthy living  Say we get up at 9am and go to bed at midnight  Ayurveda would say that it would be better to go to bed early and get up earlier  How much volume to drink during the day?  How much to eat at the biggest meal of the day? What are the best foods to bring about physiologic balance?

The LBP help us live our lives in balance because that promotes health and heals chronic disease  The above questions seem like they would have nothing to do with the IC bladder pain syndrome but from an energy science point of view they are all suggestions to bring about physiologic balance that will produce a foundation by which other therapies will build on the foundation of LBP

5 Ways to Deal with Pesky Unhealthy LBP

Yes, it’s possible to change those methylation groups leading to unsuccessful unhealty patterns or LBP  The reason that they work is that these activities produce mental clarity  Any technique as a matter of fact that induces more mental clarity will decrease “bad” methylation which can induce unfavorable LBP

1  Meditation is becoming a well known technique to quiet the mind  An active mind clouds our soul’s intelligence leading to poor decision making that leads to repetitive destructive LBP

2 Mantra work is the repetition of sounds that evoke DNA demethylation  Essentially the sounds said mentally to yourself bump off these unwanted methylated groups to bring about change in any LBP

3 Breath retention is a form of meditation but has the added advantage of improving agni and promoting love, compassion, and peace

4 Herbs can change over time behavior patterns because herbs work at the level of mind or DNA

5 Marma therapy directly works at the level of mind so unwanted patterns slip away and one is consciously directed in different directions



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