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5 Steps to Improve Your Digestion and IC

5 Steps to Improve Your Digestion and IC

Fire the hot qualityAs discussed in recent previous blogs the energy science states that agni is fundamental to good health and that when disease such as the IC bladdder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, GERD and vulvodynia) part of the solution and management must include helping the debilitated agni

But improving agni does NOT cause inflammation  Increasing Pitta increases inflammation but improving agni balances and improves Pitta inflammation  Seems counterintuitive but this is the value of the energy science model

Agni and the Current Molecular Model of Healing

The concept of agni while central to health in the energy science model is completely missing in the matter or molecular science approach for managing disease

This major departure from the way the matter or molecular science approaches disease has a rippling effect in terms of understanding the disease process, the timeliness of recommendations about bowel symptoms, the approach to bowel symptoms(often Pharma related), and ignoring the importance of lifestyle behavior patterns around nutrition

This lack of understanding of agni also percolates into the molecular approach to nutrition There is much misinformation from the ADA(American Dietetic Association) because of this simple lack of understanding the concept of agni

5 Things Happen When You Improve Your Agni

The energy science of Ayurveda offers many suggestions to enhance agni  But what’s the value of improving agni?

If you have the IC bladder pain syndrome by taking care of your agni you essentially do 5 things  1 you improve your bowel symptoms that are invariably not healthy  2 you prevent your IC bladder pain symptoms from getting worse  3 by improving agni you have the possibility of reducing the severity of your IC and the flares of IC  4 you improve your overall health  5 you improve mental clarity

5 Steps to Improve Agni

When agni is improved it’s like turning up the digestive heat  Now of course we don’t want to turn up the heat of Pitta which is responsible for the hot qualities of the IC bladder pain syndrome  But these are methods to improve the agni yet not increase Pitta

Kitchari monodiet….for easy digestion along with simple veggies

2  Homemade yogurt to make lassi….for probiotic

3  Herbs to increase agni without heating the system….chitrak, CCF tea, fresh ginger(not dry)

4  Lifestyle behavior patterns ….biggest meal at noon,no ice, exercise, sleep patterns

5  Pranayama…… balance agni… correcting disturbed agni one can make significant strides toward correcting the imbalances causing disease

These 5 simple methods can enhance agni and reduce the IC bladder pain syndrome symptoms but can go a long way toward improving health longterm   In the coming weeks I’ll take each one of these and discuss them in greater detail

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