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IC and 9 Ways to Get More Energy

Headlights onIC(interstitial cystitis) bladder pain like any chronic disease produces a described “drain on the body”  Symptoms such as those of muscle and joint aches(aka fibromyalgia), vulvodynia, depression,chronic fatigue all begin to show up as the chronicity wears on the mindbody

This observation shows our intuitive connection with the energy body which acts like a car battery   When the car lights are left on overnight, the battery is drained of its stored energy  To see the mindbody as an energy field opens us up to a wide variety of tools that are not currently available from the matter science approach

Let’s take a look at some of these tools and how you can get renewable biological energy

9 Ways to Get More Energy

Reduce mental turbulence   Perhaps a surprise to some is that the mind is the biggest drain of them all!  Often the mind is running in the background even though you think it’s quiet   This incessant turbulence shows up as fear, anxiety, depression, worry, and of course fatigue because the body gets beat up with this kind of mental activity      Solution  Spend 5-10 minutes twice a day(morning and evening) closing your eyes and watching the breath

Remove nutritional stressors   There are foods that drain the body’s energy such as refined sugar, coffee, chocolate(what the heck?) carbonated drinks

Improve food choices  Foods that bring about balance for you according to the nutritional formats at after you take the mindbody questionnaire will help you sort this out

Improve digestive strength  Eating your biggest meal at noon, drinking room temperature fluids(ice is not nice!), using spice mixtures(churans), simply paying attention to what you’re doing when eating(few meals a week in silence), or not eating when busy helps replenish your body’s energy

Using proper food combining  stops the depletion of energy expended due to difficult to digest food combinations

Avoid snacking   Eating before you have digested the last food that you’ve ingested requires the mindbody to use more energy so this habit is depleting   At least 4 to 6 hours between meals or better yet wait until your hungry since appetite is the best gauge of the body’s readiness for food

Lack of exercise/Too much exercise  Excercise improves digestion but too much is overdone and will then begin to drain the mindbody’s battery

Lack of adequate rest  Surprisingly when under the stress of pain or low energy the mindbody should be rested more than usual  What happens often with people with IC is that you tend to be more active than normal   It establishes the “can’t sit still” syndrome which causes a drain on the battery

Toxicity  If you have poor digestion, chances toxic formation will occur leading to the qualities in the bladder being held there and unable to be released   But this toxicity is everywhere and it reduces the mindbody’s efficiency in functioning   The mindbody can no longer function with “ease” but now functions with “dis-ease”   So improving digestion with ginger pickle or the above churans is a fundamental step toward improving your energy

Baby Steps

When you do energy work it requires a shift in our lifestyle choices that is not easy but with baby steps, small incremental changes in how you do things, day after day, month after month, year after year, will pay dividends in your healing IC

Best of luck  DB

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers  It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key  This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...

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IC and Food Allergies: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Interstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such  food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past   This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it   And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...

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IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

In the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1  Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...

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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...

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Palliative and Detoxification in IC

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Palliative and Detoxification in IC

In the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome)  The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place  I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...

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IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

In the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni  When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama  This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...

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IC: Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Marmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions  Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis  The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...

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IC: An Antiinflammatory Drink

Posted by on Jan 31, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  An Antiinflammatory Drink

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...

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IC and Pain Management: Role of Meditation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Pain Management:  Role of Meditation

Probably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase  Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting  This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted  But what makes it so challenging?  Is it really the pain?  Or is it something...

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IC and Meditation: Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Meditation:  Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture  From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time  The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...

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IC Diet Validation

The reason that our website is listed number one and two in the Google search engine is that the information works   People use what works for them not what’s written  And I can confidently say based on the energy science of Ayurveda that it works when you work it for bladder pain

There is no guess work(why did it work for Mary but not for me), no diet diaries, no elimination trials   Just straightforward Yes and No   The IC community(Interstitial Cystitis Association and Interstitial Cystitis Network) and the AUA(American Urological Association) have come to the conclusion that diet is fundamental to the management of IC and chronic prostatitis   The energy science model has understood that for 1000’s of years   From this model’s perspective the GI tract is the source of all diseases

Although being around for just six years and building its traffic by word of mouth, the site is a testimony to the effectiveness of this energy science nutritional format

Here’s what a reader had to say about the format

“I have been looking for answers for IC for quite some time now.  I totally have followed your advice on the Pitta diet and the aloe vera and now I know I have control over my IC.  It does not control me anymore.  I am 100 percent better.  I have talked to some people on the IC Network and I feel I have been brushed off because nothing so simple could work, but it did for me. Maybe there are other therapies but for me this really did work.  I only have myself to blame for bad habits.  I gave my urologist a copy of the Pitta pacifying diet and information to read.  He told me he would give the diet to his other patients.”

This is recent comment that was posted and not a random and rare   It is one of many that I have heard over the years of urological practice when giving people this simple tool of nutrition   But there is so much more that you can do along with the nutritional format to help resolve your IC condition

Incompatible Food Combinations

One aspect of nutrition that is missed by the Western dietician approach is the concept that certain foods don’t belong with each other   Due to the rates of digestion certain foods interfere with not only the digestion but also the absorption and assimilation of foods

The reason that this is so important is that your digestive fire(agni) get affected and doused like when a wet log is placed on a roaring campfire   Digestive fire is a precious gift and if strong burns through your digestive mistakes(at a friend’s house for a dinner that has a lot of No column foods)

But There’s More

Diet is a molecular assessment of foods to be ingested   If you’re short on Vitamin D then a supplement is taken   If you want an antiinflammatory supplement use fish oil etc  And there is definite value in having this molecular information   But could it be we’re operating with an incomplete model of nutrition?  I mean where do you readily find nutritional information in the matter science nutritional literature about antidegenerative and anticongestive nutrition   Presently there are forays by matter science nutritionists about antiinflammatory diets but their recommendations are incomplete

But when you look at the energy science approach you are really practicing nutrition because the practice of nutrition takes into account regularity of bowel activity, feelings about food before and after eating(agni), the appearance of the tongue and what that means day to day   And this also means that the same approach can be effective for fibromyalgia, IBS, GERD, chronic fatigue syndrome, and vulvodynia

New Paradigm

Not only are you now becoming aware of the body as simultaneously both matter and energy fields but now seeing the value of what happens when you take on that understanding   Here the molecular information is supported and augmented by energy field model

As a direct result of seeing your body as an energy field you are gifted nutrition not just information  This nutritional approach gives you so much more than molecular information by stepping into the 21st century

It’s applied theory that can change your life and IC!

Until next week                              To Health as a Skill      Love DrBill





IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers  It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key  This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...

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IC and Food Allergies: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Interstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such  food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past   This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it   And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...

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IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

In the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1  Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...

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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...

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Palliative and Detoxification in IC

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Palliative and Detoxification in IC

In the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome)  The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place  I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...

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IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

In the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni  When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama  This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...

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IC: Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Marmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions  Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis  The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...

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IC: An Antiinflammatory Drink

Posted by on Jan 31, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  An Antiinflammatory Drink

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...

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IC and Pain Management: Role of Meditation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Pain Management:  Role of Meditation

Probably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase  Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting  This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted  But what makes it so challenging?  Is it really the pain?  Or is it something...

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IC and Meditation: Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Meditation:  Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture  From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time  The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...

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IC and Stone Disease: A Scientifically Valid Nutritional Approach

The body is simultaneously an energy and matter field based on your perspective

The bladder pain that is seen in IC flares can be viewed as either a molecular problem(matter science) or an imbalance in energy patterns in the urinary tract   The predominant theory of the matter or molecular science is that the glycosoaminoglycan(GAG) layer becomes disrupted and allows urine irritants to infiltrate the bladder wall leading to the painful flares of IC

The energy science of Ayurveda completely concurs that there is disruption due to acidic loading but notes it as an  imbalance of too much of the hot quality(inflammation or high Pitta) rather than naming a molecule at fault   The  urinary frequency, urgency with or without incontinece due to the mobile quality of high Vata   Since the energy science is a qualitative one there is no evaluation of molecules as in the matter science discipline

The endoscopic photos above show variations of crystalline formations on the renal papillae as a prodrome of stone disease of any form or size

 GAG Layer Disruption and Stone Disease

I have long contended in my urological practice that the vast majority of patients with stone disease have a GAG layer disruption in the kidney that predisposes them to stone disease   And I have suggested to them that they use aloe vera gel and a Pitta pacifying nutritional format or one used at after taking the questionnaire

In this month’s International Urogynecology Journal a group from Taipei reported on a study of a population of patients of painful bladder syndrome and controlling for other associated diseases such as IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain(CPPS). depression, and chronic pelvic pain found that those with prior stone disease were at higher risk for developing PBS or IC

There has been one other study suggesting an association but this is the first population based study to show the association between the chance of forming stones and suffering from IC or PBS

From the above discussion the GAG layer is secreted by all cellular tubes that communicate with the outside   So the respiratory tree, the GI tract, and the urinary tract linings all produce GAG layers

So it would make complete sense that deficient GAG layer in the urinary tract would not have to be necessarily located just singularly involving the bladder but could involve the kidney GAG layer as well   If this occurs the faulty papillary GAG layer in the kidney would not be slimy/smooth enough to prevent papillary crystals to form to serve as a nidus for continued stone growth

If the hot quality of Pitta can break down the GAG layer in the bladder it can certainly do the same thing in the kidney leading to stone formation

The Treatment of Stone Disease and  IC Are the Same

So it comes as no surprise that nutritional format reducing the Pitta energy pattern foods used is a solution not only for IC but also for stone disease as well   This would reduce those foods that are inflammatory and bring the hot quality in those patients who are predisposed to either stone disease or IC

The use of aloe would begin to help restructure the deficient GAG layer and making it whole again would be the solution to preventing stones in the future

What you are witnessing here is the unique interplay between the energy science and matter science disciplines where both support each other in a holistic way

Of course it goes without saying that IC and a person with stone disease should be treated in the same way as the problem is from an energy science view  Pitta and Vata imbalances in the urinary tract

All the best                                        To Health as a Skill    Love DrBill


IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers  It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key  This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...

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IC and Food Allergies: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Interstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such  food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past   This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it   And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...

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IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

In the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1  Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...

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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...

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Palliative and Detoxification in IC

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Palliative and Detoxification in IC

In the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome)  The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place  I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...

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IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

In the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni  When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama  This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...

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IC: Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Marmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions  Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis  The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...

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IC: An Antiinflammatory Drink

Posted by on Jan 31, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  An Antiinflammatory Drink

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...

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IC and Pain Management: Role of Meditation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Pain Management:  Role of Meditation

Probably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase  Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting  This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted  But what makes it so challenging?  Is it really the pain?  Or is it something...

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IC and Meditation: Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Meditation:  Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture  From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time  The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...

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Improving Digestion Helps Heal IC and Chronic prostatitis Part 2

Nutrition is different than diet   Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment

From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating   So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition

Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at

All my best for a great 2013  It’s going to be an awesome year                   To Health as a Skill     Love DrBill

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers  It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key  This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...

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IC and Food Allergies: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Interstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such  food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past   This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it   And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...

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IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

In the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1  Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...

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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...

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Palliative and Detoxification in IC

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Palliative and Detoxification in IC

In the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome)  The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place  I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...

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IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

In the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni  When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama  This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...

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IC: Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Marmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions  Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis  The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...

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IC: An Antiinflammatory Drink

Posted by on Jan 31, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  An Antiinflammatory Drink

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...

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IC and Pain Management: Role of Meditation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Pain Management:  Role of Meditation

Probably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase  Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting  This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted  But what makes it so challenging?  Is it really the pain?  Or is it something...

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IC and Meditation: Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Meditation:  Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture  From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time  The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...

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Oh Nuts! and IC: 3 Nut Alternatives

Interstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!!  Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter


Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them”   The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore inflammation provoking

The sweet taste of many foods covers the acidic nature of the foods itself and this is true of the nut category  This is why the ES nutritional information trumps the MS guesswork around nutrition and is why the anecdotal information of the MS nutritional realm is at times confusing hence flares and then no flares   What gives?   This also explains why various other inflammatory conditions are interrelated with IC such as fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS), GERD, prostatitis(did you know that PSA is a marker for inflammation?), and CPPS(chronic pelvic pain syndrome)

As an aside this sweet taste of nuts in general make them a great choice for building tissue since the sweet taste is anabolic

OK Then What Can I Use for Nuts? 

Sorry to blow your day if you crave the mixed nuts but there is certainly a favorite guideline of mine and that is “There are no hard guidelines in the ES realms”  Know that if you use the foods that are provoking that you increase the likelihood of a flare   That use of inflammatory foods will keep you up at the ceiling of the curve below rather than allowing your mindbody to do the rebalancing as the curve progresses to the right(BTW the ascent from the left shows how we gradually get sick over decades by our own choices(Oh shoot, you didn’t have to say that did you?)

Journey to Balance

Soaked and peeled almonds(this is very important! or you can use slivered almonds from the bulk section of the grocery store if they have one ) are very helpful for their nutritive benefit but also for their cooling effect  Turns out that the skin of the almond holds enzymes that in and of themselves are inflammatory   Almonds are not actually nuts but in the end who cares

Charole(actually seeds like sunflower) is another nut choice  It’s a very small nut found in very few stores in the US(I know because Ive looked; let me know if you have a source that you would share with the community) and is heating but due to the size and its energetics is acceptable and does not provoke Pitta(more about this energy pattern in future blog posts)

And of course coconut because it’s COOLING!  The general energy science principle is this:  Plants that grow in hot climates are there for a very specific reason  Their job is to make the environment cold(well cooler) and so Momma Nature is always taking care of balancing herself

What about nut milks?  Almond Breeze is made from blanched and peeled almonds so a great drink  Coconut milk also is a very nutritious drink and both these “nut” milks make great date shakes  More about that in the future

3 Nut Alternatives

Here are three options for substitution without provoking inflammation or the Pitta energy pattern in the physiology

Use the above three recommendations and make your own nut butters from the slivered almonds

Sunflower seeds can be used by anyone anywhere anytime  Sooo..  sunflower butter sold at Trader Joe’s is an excellent proprietary product and the best tasting sunflower butter on the planet    Have tasted many and this by far is the closest to peanut butter with a nice sweet taste  Mmm good!

Give yourself “permission” to have a few nuts every once and a while if the craving is too great   The ES reminds us that food cravings are a result of imbalanced digestion so the faster we can improve our digestion the better it will be

Interested in a free ES consultation with me?  Just tap on this link

Or sign up to join our growing ES IC community!

Well enough for now  Until next time                                           To Health as a Skill  Love DrBill


IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers  It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key  This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...

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IC and Food Allergies: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Interstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such  food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past   This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it   And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...

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IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

In the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1  Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...

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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...

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Palliative and Detoxification in IC

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Palliative and Detoxification in IC

In the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome)  The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place  I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...

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IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

In the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni  When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama  This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...

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IC: Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Marmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions  Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis  The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...

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IC: An Antiinflammatory Drink

Posted by on Jan 31, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  An Antiinflammatory Drink

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...

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IC and Pain Management: Role of Meditation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Pain Management:  Role of Meditation

Probably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase  Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting  This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted  But what makes it so challenging?  Is it really the pain?  Or is it something...

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IC and Meditation: Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Meditation:  Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture  From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time  The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency

Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC

This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CPPS), painful bladder syndrome(PBS), vulvodynia(vaginal pain), chronic prostatitis, and of course interstitial cystitis  Fibromyalgia, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome can be added to this list of synonyms as a frequent diagnoses often associated with IC   Read on to see why

The diagnosis of IC is based on a negative urological evaluation of the urinary tract which includes:

History and physical

Most often negative urine cultures(of many negative cultures there may be some positive)

Normal urine cytology

Normal  CTscan(xray evaluation of the urinary system)

Often a normal cystoscopic exam of the bladder(looking in the bladder) except there is pain with bladder filling during the exam

What is IC?

The current matter or molecular science understanding of IC is that the protective internal layer of the bladder(called the GAG layer) becomes damaged by unknown substances in the urine  It is unclear to the matter science discipline why fibromyalgia is associated with IC

The energy science understanding of IC pain is that it is an imbalance of qualities  Two basic vibrational frequencies among others become disturbed in the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) leading to increased the increased hot and mobile qualities

This imbalance of the hot quality leads to the burning pain in the bladder, pelvic region, and thighs   Hence not only bladder symptoms occur but also vaginal pain as well leading to painful sexual intercourse also referred to as vulvodynia  Fibromyalgia occurs due to these qualities among others involving the liver  Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression occur due to the imbalance of qualities already manifesting as IC   Sooo… the imbalance of the qualities lead to a group of labels used in the matter science model of healing

The increased mobile quality in the bladder leads to urinary urgency and frequency which are the hallmarks of the pain syndrome

But you can begin to see how the energy science model in its simplicity helps you understand how all dis-eases can be simplified as opposed to the current matter science where there is such confusion

Gastrointestinal Tract(GIT) Origin

In contrast to the matter or molecular science theory of disease, the energy science view is that the GIT is the origin of all dis-eases that occur in the energy mindbody including IC

This explains why nutrition and change in the type of foods ingested is important in dealing with  not only IC pain  but dis-eases in general that are painful  The GIT imbalances increase the qualities that eventually lead to the symptoms in the pelvic region  Witness the association of acid indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) with IC

Why is the bladder or pelvic region selected rather than the lungs or brain or muscular system?  The energy science of Ayurveda describes that there are weaknesses in the mindbody that predispose the organ or area to be affected

Three Things To Do Right Now

Since the GIT is the origin of IC it makes sense to eliminate those foods that are producing the imbalance  You have two options  Either go to  or go to and select the appropriate nutritional format

Look at the food incompatibility list

If you have had longstanding chronic symptoms you probably need more attention to your imbalances   In this case sign up for a free consultation with me to explore what can be done to help you with your dis-ease

Or right now you can sign up by putting in your email in the right hand column box on the page  You’ll also get a free report on healing IC and become part of our growing IC community interested in dealing with chronic dis-ease in a different more effective way

Until next time Ciao                                                                                                            To Health as a Skill     Love DrBill

PS  Our Facebook page is up  Would you stop by and if so inclined like it

PSS If you know a friend who could benefit from this explanation of IC could you pass it along   thanks DB

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Detoxifying Antiinflammatory Nutrition

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers  It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key  This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...

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IC and Food Allergies: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Apr 8, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Interstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such  food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past   This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it   And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...

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IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

IC and Need for Multiple Therapies

In the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1  Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...

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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...

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Palliative and Detoxification in IC

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

Palliative and Detoxification in IC

In the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome)  The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place  I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...

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IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and 7 Ways to Reduce Pain

In the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni  When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama  This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...

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IC: Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  Lower Abdominal Marma Therapy

Marmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions  Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis  The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...

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IC: An Antiinflammatory Drink

Posted by on Jan 31, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC:  An Antiinflammatory Drink

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...

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IC and Pain Management: Role of Meditation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Pain Management:  Role of Meditation

Probably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase  Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting  This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted  But what makes it so challenging?  Is it really the pain?  Or is it something...

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IC and Meditation: Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2017 in bladder, bladder pain, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized, vulvodynia | 0 comments

IC and Meditation:  Why It is Beneficial in Healing

Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture  From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time  The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...

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