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IC Diet Validation

IC Diet Validation

The reason that our website is listed number one and two in the Google search engine is that the information works   People use what works for them not what’s written  And I can confidently say based on the energy science of Ayurveda that it works when you work it for bladder pain

There is no guess work(why did it work for Mary but not for me), no diet diaries, no elimination trials   Just straightforward Yes and No   The IC community(Interstitial Cystitis Association and Interstitial Cystitis Network) and the AUA(American Urological Association) have come to the conclusion that diet is fundamental to the management of IC and chronic prostatitis   The energy science model has understood that for 1000’s of years   From this model’s perspective the GI tract is the source of all diseases

Although being around for just six years and building its traffic by word of mouth, the site is a testimony to the effectiveness of this energy science nutritional format

Here’s what a reader had to say about the format

“I have been looking for answers for IC for quite some time now.  I totally have followed your advice on the Pitta diet and the aloe vera and now I know I have control over my IC.  It does not control me anymore.  I am 100 percent better.  I have talked to some people on the IC Network and I feel I have been brushed off because nothing so simple could work, but it did for me. Maybe there are other therapies but for me this really did work.  I only have myself to blame for bad habits.  I gave my urologist a copy of the Pitta pacifying diet and information to read.  He told me he would give the diet to his other patients.”

This is recent comment that was posted and not a random and rare   It is one of many that I have heard over the years of urological practice when giving people this simple tool of nutrition   But there is so much more that you can do along with the nutritional format to help resolve your IC condition

Incompatible Food Combinations

One aspect of nutrition that is missed by the Western dietician approach is the concept that certain foods don’t belong with each other   Due to the rates of digestion certain foods interfere with not only the digestion but also the absorption and assimilation of foods

The reason that this is so important is that your digestive fire(agni) get affected and doused like when a wet log is placed on a roaring campfire   Digestive fire is a precious gift and if strong burns through your digestive mistakes(at a friend’s house for a dinner that has a lot of No column foods)

But There’s More

Diet is a molecular assessment of foods to be ingested   If you’re short on Vitamin D then a supplement is taken   If you want an antiinflammatory supplement use fish oil etc  And there is definite value in having this molecular information   But could it be we’re operating with an incomplete model of nutrition?  I mean where do you readily find nutritional information in the matter science nutritional literature about antidegenerative and anticongestive nutrition   Presently there are forays by matter science nutritionists about antiinflammatory diets but their recommendations are incomplete

But when you look at the energy science approach you are really practicing nutrition because the practice of nutrition takes into account regularity of bowel activity, feelings about food before and after eating(agni), the appearance of the tongue and what that means day to day   And this also means that the same approach can be effective for fibromyalgia, IBS, GERD, chronic fatigue syndrome, and vulvodynia

New Paradigm

Not only are you now becoming aware of the body as simultaneously both matter and energy fields but now seeing the value of what happens when you take on that understanding   Here the molecular information is supported and augmented by energy field model

As a direct result of seeing your body as an energy field you are gifted nutrition not just information  This nutritional approach gives you so much more than molecular information by stepping into the 21st century

It’s applied theory that can change your life and IC!

Until next week                              To Health as a Skill      Love DrBill





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