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IC and the Quick Fix: 3 Ways to Understand the Process

IC and the Quick Fix:  3 Ways to Understand the Process

Evolution and healing ICWhat we wish from any healing tradition is a quick way out of our problem whatever it is  The magic pill, the magic operation, the magic whatever  So it is with any formidable chronic disease like the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia)  And intuitively we know there is no such thing but we can still hope that there is something that is going to deal with it  But as a recent visit with a patient who is a gastroenterologist said, “I would have thought you were a crank if you would have promised me a quick solution”

The Quick Fix

So even though we yearn for the quick fix we know it realistically doesn’t exist  We know this intuitively  So if this is the case then what are we actually looking for?

I believe any sufferer of  the IC bladder pain syndrome is waiting for “a trusted way” that will get them to where they want to go…that is, feeling better  And they feel that the “system” has not been that trusted way anymore

But as we have already said there is no quick fix but there is a fix….maybe not a fix but nonetheless a fix  It’s just that this trusted way, this path requires TIME  When time is put into the equation, impatience can become a problem  While we rationalize with the mind, it still wants whatever that’s supposed to happen, to happen quickly

Three Solutions for the Impatient Mind

Journal  Probably from a practical point of view the best way to show the impatient mind that progress is being achieved is to review our journal entries and see for ourselves that things are better  Even the mind’s memory is distrustful of itself but if we can see for ourselves in black and white what has been going on in the past and compare it to what’s happening now the impatient mind will shut up

Realize the ups and downs of healing  As an energy field the mindbody expresses itself as waves and so do the diseases that it experiences  So any disease has its good days and bad days, good weeks and bad weeks, flare periods and no flare periods of the disease process  Name any disease process and it will express itself in waves  The point here is “no discouragement” because of a particularly “bad period”  Keep up the good pursuit toward our goal of ever improving health  Real healing takes time…the correction of an energetic imbalance requires repetitive perseverative effort

Get reliable help in achieving our goal  If we are in a forest and hear the sound of waves crashing on the beach we know we are near  But we have no path to follow  We search but no one has gone there  We can forge our own path and cut our way through the forest, guided by the sounds of the ocean  But we can search for a path that other people have taken and use their experience to show us the way  This is the value of Ayurvedic consultations  They give us a path to follow rather than trying to make our own path

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