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IC and Prana: 5 Ways to Make Biologic Energy Flow

IC and Prana:  5 Ways to Make Biologic Energy Flow

E = mc2From present day physics the body can be viewed as an energy field or molecular/matter field  Modern day medicine follows an molecular approach to its study of disease whereas the energy sciences of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine(acupuncture) have developed sophisticated systems of healing to deal with man’s diseases  The areas where the energy sciences have their most impact is in chronic disease and prevention since as we have discussed in the past the origin of disease is well worked out in the Ayurvedic energy science discipline

Because the energy science understands the origin of disease it can be effective in chronic diseases such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia)  From an energy science perspective disease is brought about due to an imbalance of vibrational frequencies called gunas or qualities  So in IC the qualities that become out of balance are predominantly the hot and mobile qualities  These qualities become overly abundant in affected tissues producing the symptoms

Srotas:  The Energy Channels

Although the energy science views the body’s anatomy in a similar way as the matter science discipline the channels through which energy flows are arranged conceptually in a different way  The energy channels are called srotas and have specific characteristics that are unique to the energy body  It is through these channels that the qualities move The most common way we alter the qualities of the body is through our nutrition which is why what we eat becomes so important in the management of the IC BPS

But there is a second channel system in the energy body called the nadi system which overlays the srotal system and is more subtle in its expression

The Nadi System

This channel system only carries vibrational energy called prana and is more ephemeral than the above srotal system  Unexplained spontaneous remissions of all forms of disease occur at this level of the energy body  Our nadi system(microcosm) is responsible for the maintenance of our energetic aura(see diagram) and is our connection with the greater energy field(macrocosm)

The common concept shared by these two energy channel systems is agni, the digestive fire, or the ability to take an experience and completely comprehend its meaning  And there are two bridges that connect the two systems such as the autonomic nervous system(fight or flight system) and the endocrine(hormones and thyroid gland) system  The nadi channels are connected to the 5 senses so we can see that doing things to enhance the senses and clear them helps improve flow through them

In yogic classes where asana(posture) is performed the anatomy that is most common discussed and used is the nadi system  Energy nadis such as the ida, pingula, and sushumna are terms often used  There can be healing using the nadi system and the energy science of Ayurveda uses these concepts in therapies

5 Ways To Access the Nadi System

Pranayama particularly kapalabhati because breath use and breath exercises are powerful ways to influence the fight or flight response which is managed by the above autonomic system  From what we have just said not surprisingly this group of exercises can influence agni which is extremely therapeutic in management of disease  Done routinely it can change the course of a disease  Since the breath influences the subtle vibrational energy channels it can help clear the srotas and our aura

Kevala As part of the day in balance(dinacharya) oil pulling has been recognized by Western observers of health that it can bring about dramatic benefits  Kevala influences the nadi channel system and hence has profound energetic consequences to the body

Nasya  This is the application of herbs that are in an oil solution and has direct impact to both the autonomic nervous and endocrine systems  Because this therapy influences both bridges to the nadi system it can have an impact on our subtle energy body, aura, and healing

Karna purna  This is application of oil to the ears which have a connection to the nadi channels and can influence them 

Marma and abhyanga  The application of oils to the external surface of the body stimulates acupuncture points that Ayurveda calls marma  These are subtle energy points that connect to the nadi system and improves pranic flow through the channels

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