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IC and SIBO: Role of Probiotic and 4 Other Manipulations

IC and SIBO:  Role of Probiotic and 4 Other Manipulations

Morph featuresThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract)  Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease  Correct food selection appropriate for own energy constitutional makeup  along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing

“I can’t believe that foods caused these symptoms”, was a common refrain that I heard from patients in my urologic practice when managing patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia)  Obviously the longer the imbalance the more likely that other energy science techniques will be necessary to deal with advanced IC dis-ease conditions  This dis-ease emphasizes that the energy patterns are not at ease or that an imbalance of qualities is physiologically present

The matter science(allopathy, naturopathy) often look at infection as a cause of many diseases  Every once in a while you’ll see matter science research studies attempt to unsuccessfully or questionably successfully incriminate bacteria in the cause of specific disease  Because bacteria are treatable by antibiotics which is a big tool in the matter science toolbox an attempt to incriminate bacteria can be a scientific “home run”  It has happened with GERD(gastroesophageal reflux), rheumatoid arthritis, and obviously interstitial cystitis

Symptoms of Poor Digestion

Many experience poor digestion but discount it as just the way they are…..but in reality these symptoms should not be ignored  Any unphysiologic food craving is unhealthy and shoud be best avoided  Overeating is abnormal(eating more than 2 handfuls at any one meal) as well as cravings for ice  Post meal digestive problems such as heaviness, bloating, loss of energy after eating, need for naps after eating, diarrhea, and constipation are major warning signs that things are not healthy in the GIT

Matter Science and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth(SIBO)

Now the matter science is getting closer to what the energy science has been saying for 1000’s of years….the GIT is responsible for all dis-ease  But since the matter science model of disease can only hold space for offending insults internal(autoimmune) and external(bacteria, parasites, fungus, and viruses) it becomes limited as to seeing the origins of dis-ease  Presently the matter science has a new approach to disease seeking an understanding through the alteration in bowel flora

This alteration or better yet described as disruption of normal small bowel flora has become known as SIBO where “bad” bacteria overgrow the “good” bacteria in probably not only the small bowel but large bowel as well  There are past models that lead to grounding in this kind of disease origin such as leaky gut syndrome and the candidal(fungus) overgrowth theories that have their proof in patient improvement by flora manipulations

Now the current rage for bowel disorder from IBS to systemic disease is to manipulate the small bowel flora with antibiotics(killing off the “bad” bacteria) or better yet “fecal bowel flora” transplants which have seen benefits

Energy Science Understanding of SIBO in Agni Terms

As we have discussed at length in past blogs the bacterial flora of the GIT which is 10x the cellular mass of our own individual bodies is part of a greater concept called agni   Called metabolism in matter science terms, agni is not only more user friendly, but as we have talked about in the past, a highly functional and malleable term that is freely manipulative by energy science techniques  As a matter of fact one of the main tenets of the energy science that separates it from the matter science is this concept of agni

As we have alluded to earlier, qualities(vibrational frequencies) become disrupted in the GIT and this subsequently leads to an alteration in agni  This disruption leads to SIBO but at times gut mucosal changes as well making this look like IBS in some respects

Then if the matter and enegy science models are talking about the same thing then what’s the big fuss?  Just use the matter science techniques that we have discussed above

Energy Science Solutions for SIBO

There is a general tenet in healing disciplines that the closer your treatment touches the origin of the disease the greater success the healer will have  So what’s better, to treat SIBO or the cause of the SIBO?  If the energy science model tells us that the cause of SIBO is an energy imbalance leading to the SIBO, the best solution is to deal with the imbalance  This is not rocket science folks!

1  So what is foundational in healing the bowel?  Well from what we said already choosing foods appropriate for you energy makeup and observing incompatible food combinations are support any further manipulation

2  Probiotic  It makes complete sense to support the “good bacteria” in the gut so as to improve agni  But it’s often too much of a good thing at times with probiotic use  Find a good probiotic(not necessarily the most expensive)but supplement for 2-3 weeks and then do a break and perhaps another couple of rounds  Then done

3 Yogurt as a probiotic  As we’ve discussed in the past homemade yogurt is a great food to use to support the bowel flora  Kefir has the potential of carrying yeast along with the probiotic so it’s not recommended from an energy science point of view

4  Avoid antibiotics if possible  All that antibiotics do is further disrupt the already compromised bowel flora  If you have to use antibiotics then you should definitely supplement with probiotic or yogurt for a period of time

5  Reduce ama  As we have talked about in the past when agni suffers ama forms in the gut and begins to leave the GIT  This unprocessed undigested debris which is the result of poor digestion is the basis of all chronic dis-ease





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