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3 Pelvic Therapies for Treating the Cause of IC

3 Pelvic Therapies for Treating the Cause of IC

In the past I’ve talked about various options open to an IC population interested in pursuing healing rather than palliative matter science methods   The energy science also has palliative methods as well but the topic of this blog is not to palliate the IC bladder pain syndrome but to eliminate it

The energy science model’s understanding of the origin of disease makes this possible and allows you to understand why the below therapies work in eliminating IC as well as its sister diseases of IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, and in men chronic prostatitis

The Cause of IC

As I’ve discussed in the past the energy science views disease as originating in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) due to vibrational frequencies(aka qualities) that become excessive  The common reasons for the accumulation are related to nutrition and lifestyle behaviors that I’ve discussed in the past  This explains why dietary advice becomes so foundational for people with IC(see

One of the common sites of accumulation of these frequencies is the colon  Most if not all people with IC have abnormal bowel patterns consisting of gas, bloating, and constipation and/or diarrhea(often leading to the diagnosis of IBS)  These colon symptoms are associated with abnormal agni or digestive capability

The common frequencies that are involved are hot and mobile which leads to the burning on urination and frequency of urination along with urgency   Once the accumulation of these vibrational frequencies become excessive they move to various parts of the bladder

In moving horizontally these qualities leave the colon where they have become excessive and affect the bladder leading to the above symptoms

Treat the Cause Not the Effect

As you can see the effect of bladder symptoms is just that  The effect of the underlying vibrational disturbance in the colon  So as you can surmise treatment of the bladder does not deal with the cause, namely the disturbance of vibrational frequencies in the colon  Otherwise one treatment of hydrodistention, botox, or bladder instillations will not deal with the problem’s origin

Hence in the energy science discipline of healing most effort is directed toward clearing the basic imbalance in the colon

3 Pelvic Therapies for Treating IC

#1  The most effective way of bringing these abnormal vibrational frequencies back to the colon for elimination is by medicated herbal enemas  One might ask why not just do the same thing but through the bladder since you could eliminate these abnormal increased frequencies that way

This is a great question  The answer lies in the root cause  If these qualities of hot and mobile are arising from the colon and they are not eliminated at the source they will continue to feed the already disturbed bladder despite being removed from the bladder

#2  The hot quality or vibrational frequency although excessive in the colon actually has its origin in the small bowel and disrupts colon function  The best and easiest way to remove this vibrational frequency is through purgation triphala, or using herbs to cause a short period(one day) of diarrhea  Common purgative herbal agents that can do the trick are nisshotra(very mild),(mild), and castor oil(strong)

#3  Herbal formulas support both of the above techniques as well as the bladder and the body as a whole during the process  These formulas are specific to the other imbalances that are present as well (treating IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia)

Slow But Rewarding Process of Healing

There is a tendency in all of us to want the quick fix, hoping that if we just find that one magic pill, remove that one irritating food that IC will go away  But the reversal of this energy pattern that sometimes has taken years to develop takes time  As I’ve written before at least 2months for every year of imbalance in straight forward cases

Does this mean there will not be relief of symptoms for that long?  No, as you do the work things gradually begin getting better but it does take time   It just depends on how severe your symptoms and whether you’re tired of being sick

In the end the energy science brings about real healing because it deals with the origin of the disease  If interested in knowing more about this approach you can contact me through for a free one hour consultation where we can review your case together

Best in your journey  Dr Bill

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