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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis

You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis have these ups and downs through their period of dis-ease  But chronic dis-eases such as IC as you know have their ups and downs as well  And these ups are called flares when there is an upswing  A sudden change in dis-ease or loss of the balanced steady state

But what would it be like to gradually be free of the flares?  If you resolved your flares it would free you up for so many other things that you want to accomplish in your life  If interested read on

Almost universally survey respondents voiced their disbelief that there was not a determined scientific causation by the urological community  What can be done to get help?

Change the Model of Healing

Our current molecular medical model states that the molecule causes the disease  One quote from a survey respondent was “That the pain gets out of control, I stress, I cry and then it gets worse because of the acid pouring into my bladder”  This comment underlies the premise by the current healing model that the acid molecule causes the pain

No question that acid causes the pain  And no question that if a change is diet takes the acid out that molecule then the flares will resolve  End of story  IC is fixed  But unfortunately that’s not the case   You know that by experience

Since Einstein made his elegant mathematical observation E=mc2 matter and energy are recognized as interchangeable at a constant  Because of this new understanding of nature as a scientific world community we are able to put men in space, explore Mars, and enjoy Facebook!  But the world of biological healing is woefully mired in the matter science world of Newtonian physics

If we put on our energy science glasses to view the human physiology we begin to see not molecules but energy patterns that express themselves as qualities   Qualities become the footprints of the biological energy field

For example, words you use contain the clues as to what qualities are occurring in the physiology  “Flare” is one such example   When you use that word what comes up for you?  Heat, hot, a blast of heat  And by the way, what do we say when voiding occurs  It’s burning again suggesting the hot quality

So the current matter or molecular model measures molecules and how they cause disease  The energy science model sees dis-ease in terms of qualities  Too much hot represents an imbalance somewhere in inner space   Dis-ease is an imbalance of qualities

OK, So What?  Just Fix Me

If people are sick some might feel a bit uneasy if they asked their surgeon why he thought they had appendicitis and he responded, “No particular reason  I’d just like to operate this afternoon”   We all want to have confidence in the thinking that goes on behind the scenes in medical decision making particularly when it comes to ME  All healing disciplines should give us that confidence

And when the healing discipline we are using isn’t fixing our painful flare we would like to know why(I would hope but then again people do surprise us)  I contend we have the wrong model for healing certain chronic dis-eases, in this case IC

The reason that this energy versus molecular medical healing model issue is so important is that it’s the difference between having painful flares and living a life that is free of them   This may seem like an outlandish statement but it is true  You just have to trust  the process  Fortunately as you do this energy science work it brings faith and with that more trust

 Three Important Steps

If you’re interested in gradually eliminating flares in your life the first thing to do is:  Take responsibility for your healing  This means that when you are looking at a food choice that is in the NO column that you consciously make the choice to avoid the food  And remember, this is about baby steps  If you haven’t signed up to be part of our growing IC community looking at healing IC not just treating it and getting the free report that will get you started

Visit the energy science nutritional website that can get you started with appropriate nutritional information  More about that in upcoming blogs but for now do the test and then follow the appropriate nutritional format in the left hand column of the page

If you happen to be on an island and hear the ocean you want to go see it  Now if you’re a real pioneer and trailblazer you cut through the jungle and finally the ocean and its surf come into view  But most of us would prefer a well trodden path that can reliably take us to that ocean and the white sandy beach  There’s security in that path, not having to make your own way because you know others have come before you and are now helping you find the way  So it is with a healing journey  There is often a lot of anxiety about healing because the outcome is not known  You’re not in control  And that’s uncomfortable for all of us  But with a knowledgeable guide who has taken people on the healing path before you can reach your destination  sign up for a free one hour consultation by clicking on this link with me to explore what your visions and goals are for health

                                                                                                                                             To Health as a Skill   Love DrBill













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