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Oil Pulling and IC

Oil Pulling and IC
bigstock-cartoon-wolf-gargling-mouthwas-45111310As I’ve talked about in the past the pelvic bladder pain of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is related to the hot and mobile qualities being stuck in the pelvis  But why do some 60% of IC patients not go on to severe chronic symptoms?  The answer in short form is toxic load in the urinary system that prevents the qualities from naturally being released
Kevala is an ancient energy science technique of swishing sesame oil in the oral cavity for a period of time  It is mentioned in Ayurvedic texts written 1000’s of years ago
Recently this sesame oil swish technique has become known as oil pulling and become a new popular health topic popularized by a Ukranian physician, F Karach MD who in 1992 produced testamonials showing the effectiveness of the technique,  stating that it cculd affect the clinical course of many chronic diseases  And Bruce Fife ND has had clinical experience with the technique and validates its effectiveness using coconut oil
But weighs in Andrew Weil, MD  “Oil pulling won’t hurt you, but I wouldn’t depend on it to help you improve your overall health or treat a significant medical problem”

Matter Science Skepticism

Since the current matter science medical model has no place for the understanding of how such a technique might work, the method is discounted but not necessarily dismissed  Comments such as those by the matter science natural healer Weil go on record being cautious
And there are no studies to date showing its efficacy in disease management  You see the medical model works from a cause effect molecular relationship with disease  Since there can be no cause effect here then the method is seen as a curiosity at best
But there are countless anecdotal experiences of kevala as being health promoting  Others such as those having no repercussions to taste after oral radiation therapy or the improvement in periodontal disease

An Energy Science Explanation

The use of unrefined sesame  oil in the oral cavity creates a medicinal effect to the lining of the mouth with the penetrating effects of the oil reaching the skin  Over time(ears)  this reduces facial wrinkling around the oral cavity
There are reports of improved gum health improving periodontal disease that has clearly been shown to be a risk factor for coronary vessel disease and thus heart attacks
But to anyone who has used this technique for a period of time there is an unmistakeable benefit  Kevala has a distinct effect on the tongue after the oil has been in the mouth and then spit out   The tongue has a characteristic whitish cast to it indicating toxic congestive release from the tissues
The tongue from an energy science perspective is a representation of many organs in the body such as the liver, colon, and kidneys, all of which carry toxic load  This toxic load is in the lymphatics and each taste bud on the tongue has a small lymphatic channel  Toxic load shows up on the tongue as a whitish to brownish cast
When kevala is done it is a invitation for the body to release toxic accumulation from organs in the body  This is why Dr Karach refers to the technique as oil pulling, as toxic load is being pulled from the body
 Energetically what happens during kevala is a negative pressure is set up in the oral cavity which draws the Kapha energy pattern qualities in for elimination 

Many Ways to Detoxify

In the energy science it’s taught that:
1) We should avoid toxifying the body  There are many ways to prevent this from happening  Appropriate nutrition for your body’s energy makeup, avoiding incompatible food combinations, proper rest, proper exercise, etc, etc
2) But as important release those toxins that have accumulated  This can be done in a myriad of different ways and kavala is one of them
Using a mixture of  ¼ teaspoon of rock sea salt with ½ cup of warm water and swish and gargle with after kavala brings heat to the load that has been brought to the tongue
The matter science doesn’t even attempt to talk about toxic accumulation is daily living but the energy science says that if you’re not mindful of what choices you’re making it’s a given that you’ll be creating toxic load
So as to paraphrase Dr Weil, “It can’t hurt”  And I would add can be beneficial in many different ways
It is a good idea to clean the mouth with warm
salt water after kavala (chewing or swishing
oil)  The tongue is connected to all the organs,
which allows this process to pull toxins from
the entire body. The liver, colon and kidneys
tend to carry large amounts of toxins. Before
you clean your mouth next time, take a
minute to notice your tongue and any areas of
prominent yellow or white coating. Referring
to the tongue/organ chart shows which area of
the tongue correlates with the organs.
Notice the areas that are affected for you.
Since the oil is carrying these toxins, take care
not to accidentally swallow any of the oil.
It could lead to headache, nausea, and even
fever. Keeping all this toxic business in mind,
it is best not to leave any toxins or residue in
the mouth.

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