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IC and Transdermal Creams: Ways to Begin Healing IC

IC and Transdermal Creams:  Ways to Begin Healing IC

Downward gati with pelvic marmaIn the energy science disciplines of Ayurveda and traditional Oriental medicine(TOM) the use of topographical points on the skin are used for treatment of various disease states  In TOM these points are called acupuncture or acupressure points  In the energy science of Ayurveda these points are called marma points  There is some variability in terms of location and what they represent but the utility of use is undoubtedly valuable

In conventional medicine today the use of transdermal therapies has had a wide application utilized mostly as a delievery system  These pharma systems are designed to get molecules into the body that would otherwise be digested in the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) and rendered useless  A good example is that of the testosterone molecule that is digested in the GIT  Because of this no functional hormone support can be acheived by taking it orally  But with the use of the transdermal delivery system testosterone can be effectively absorbed across the skin to provide its physiologic benefits

In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) we can make use of marma points to deliver herbs into the mindbody for healing

Marma and Transdermal Creams

There are specific marma associated with the bladder and pelvic plexus of nerves associated with IC   From an Ayurvedic point of view the IC bladder pain syndrome is probably a neurological involvement of the pelvic plexus by imbalancing qualities that pass from the lower rectum and energetically affect the functioning of the pelvic plexus

Transdermal creams can be made so that they can take the herbs across the skin and deliver their effects to target tissues of the mindbody  The carriers are energetic vehicles move the finest of vibrational frequencies of the herbs to the respective locations in this case the pelvic plexus  The carries move through the nadis and hair follicles of the skin and attach to the synapses of nerve endings leading to distant effects

The point is that the nerves essentially carry the vibrational frequencies

Uses of Transdermal Creams

1 Pain control  There is no pain without the mobile energy pattern of Vata which is most expressed in the the nervous system  So when we use transdermal creams and affect the nervous system directly we have the chance to change pain

2 Therapy for conditions  Conditions for chronic diseases will best respond to the the use of transdermal creams because they address the chronic imbalances that occur in tissues

3  Bringing overall balance  By affecting the tissues and eliminating imbalances we have the chance to reverse disease


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