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IC and Feeling Bad After Eating: An Energy Science Solution

IC and Feeling Bad After Eating:  An Energy Science Solution

Foods can create unarguable imbalances in the physiology which over time leads to disease  And for the most part  some of food’s effects may not be associated with ill feeling

However my point is that all foods have the potential for creating imbalances in the mindbody if they don’t resonate with our energy makeup   Because of different factors these imbalancing choices don’t give us symptoms  At least we don’t think they do  Everything is relative  You may feel ok but if you make changes you feel better

But you didn’t feel bad before you made the change but now you feel better by making the nutritional change  What gives?  What has happened is that you have gained a level of clarity that you didn’t have before

Feeling Bad After Eating

Haven’t we all had the experience of eating a meal and not feeling well afterward?  Sometimes we attribute it to food poisoning which might be the case but most of the time it is a physiologic consequence that defies an easy explanation.

From an energy science perspective the reason is imbalance.  The vibrational frequencies consumed have created an obvious dis-ease in the physiology.  When we eat a hot spicy meal, sometimes the result is heartburn.  There is a chemical burning in the stomach experienced near the heart we call heartburn or acid indigestion.  This increased acidity in the stomach is a result of the increased vibrational frequency of hot among other vibrational frequencies.

But what if we can’t associate something eaten with feeling bad after a meal?  Does that mean that there isn’t a imbalance of vibrational frequencies?  From an energy perspective, the answer would be that an imbalance or an increase of specific vibrational frequencies have accumulated and are causing obvious dis-ease resulting in an alteration in an agni disturbance

We get away with eating abnormal food combinations or foods that are not good choices for our energy constitution because our agni is just strong enough to pull us out of the ditch  But continue and the agni won’t be there for us because it’s debilitated too much

The Salt Story

Salt-written-on-spilled-saltLet’s take an example of the complex vibrational frequency of salt.  If we ingested three tablespoons of salt, there would be clearly physiologic consequences or imbalance.  We would become very thirsty, our blood pressure would transiently rise, our saliva would increase and we would urinate more frequently.  Hot sensations would occur with flushing and acid indigestion might occur.  Since the salty taste has a laxative effect, it might stimulate a bowel movement.  So all of these changes occur in the body because of the consequence of excess salt.

If these changes can occur with excess salt, why couldn’t simple ingestion of salt lead to imbalances if preexisting imbalances possibly already exist?  From an energy perspective this is one of the reasons why food can produce physiologic consequences of imbalance soon after eating.

Basically we should never ignore a message from the body telling us of distress even though we can’t explain it.  And the most frequent explanation of the dis-ease in the mindbody is a result of imbalancing choices that we make through our nutritional choices.

The Energy Science View of Disease

From an energy science view all disease begins in the gut so you can see why it’s so important to eat according to our mindbody energy makeup even though you may feel OK   Or do you?

Over time our agni will improve and our imbalances will clear  But it takes time and it’s worth the wait

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