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IC and the Summer Time: 8 Suggestions to Avoid Increased Flares

IC and the Summer Time:  8 Suggestions to Avoid Increased Flares

IcebergThe energy science of Ayurveda states that all that we observe including our own mindbodies are made of vibrational frequencies and from unified field theory this is how contemporary physics sees our reality  There are 10 pairs of these frequencies called qualities and when they become increased in the physiology

For example the hot and mobile qualities become increased in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and may lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) if the conditions are right  The quality of hot produce the burning sensations in the bladder on voiding, in the vagina and perineum, and prostate  The mobile quality helps disseminate the hot quality and pain but also is responsible for urinary frequency

As we discussed everything is made up of these qualities  They exist in us as well as outside us  So the hot quality in our environment can increase the hot quality in us

Summer time is a season when people lower their body temperature by sweating and drinking more  This causes agni to go down and the chances for ama to increase  We should be appropriate about fluid intake(40ozK, 60ozP, 70ozV)

So Stay Cool in Hot Times

If you have the IC bladder syndrome the summer time can be a risky time  And from this perspective it’s not the overheating type of feeling that can be problematic but just the exposure to the heat that can lead to problems particularly if the IC syndrome is present  But the good news is that the energy science gives you good antidotes to keep cool

Stay cool and don’t overheat  Avoid staying out in the hot sun

The energy of the sun is hot but the energy of the moon is cooling so moon bathing is something that can be done when it’s been a particularly hot day in order to bleed off some of the hot quality

Use of cooling foods such as cucumber or cucumber milk

Use coconut  Think tropical because Nature provides us foods that are valuable in hot climates

Avoid deep fried fatty foods due to the hot quality

Milk with cardamom and fresh ginger(milk is cooling like the moon’s energy)

Herbs to use with no ama: amalaki, brahmi, jatamamsi, shankapushpi, shatavari, chitrak, black pepper

Herbs to use if ama is present: mahasudharsan, neem, kutki, guduchi, kama dudha, pravel panchamrit

Each of these herb groups can be used with aloe vera gel which is also cooling and will direct the herbs to specific locations in the body

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