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IC and Honey: Energy Science Recommendations

IC and Honey:  Energy Science Recommendations

honey-bees-working The qualities that bring about the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) vary according to which of the VPK energy patterns are involved  Each of the energy patterns has qualities  Vata has cold light mobile dry rough subtle clear; Pitta hot light spreading sharp/penetrating liquid oily; and for Kapha heavy slow/dull cool slimy/smooth liquid dense soft hard static cloudy/sticky  In the energy science these qualities are universal, that is, they make up all of our observable world, including ourselves

So when the environment is hot our mindbody becomes hot as well and you seek cold for comfort  Similarly when you eat food that is hot such as salsa then your mindbody becomes hot  The windows to your mindbody’s energy field is through its senses of the above qualities  Honey is a unique food from an energy science point of view and is far from a simple sweet treat

The Qualities of Honey as Medicine

The energy science of Ayurveda says that everything can be medicine when used appropriately so we need to know about the qualities of honey to use it as food  Honey has qualities that can aggravate each of the energy patterns but is most most appropriate for the slow/dull cool slimy/smooth and static Kapha because of its heating qualities

In the IC bladder pain syndrome the earliest qualities to be expressed either in the gut or bladder are the hot mobile and spreading qualiites

The hot characteristic of Pitta will be aggravated by honey so PK people should not use honey all the time  It also follows that during the summer months honey should not be used due to the heat

Guidelines for Honey as Medicine

Since honey has a heating quality it can help with clearing Kapha imbalance Mucous is the signature symptom of either Kapha imbalance or release and the mucous of the common cold is an experience that we can all relate to But when Kapha’s qualities show up in the IC syndrome you can experience the heavy slow/dull and static qualities in the pelvis

Honey guidelines

The best time to use honey is during the cold winter months

Honey and ghee should be used in equal volumes NOT equal weights(toxic if you do)

NEVER cook honey(toxic if you do)

Honey will NOT be heating if used in basti since you’re not digesting it

Use honey in moderation (1 to at most 2x per week during summer)

Don’t use honey with fruit

Honey can be used with herbs to carry it to the lungs or kidneys

Honey is best used in cool mucous Kapha conditions

Honey is best used with warm to hot water


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