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If Castor Application Doesn’t Work

If Castor Application Doesn’t Work

Dripping oilThere is a great energy around the use of castor with some people finding relief from its application to the lower abdomen for the painful bladder of IC syndrome(fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, HAS/GERD, IBS)

But if that doesn’t work try a mixture of castor, mustard and flax oils as a combination(a third of each)

The same application technique applies  You can use a covering cloth over the oils directly applied to the suprapubic region Once applied you can apply a towel and then the heating pad over the top of the towel

The value of castor is that it cools the lower abdomen  Mustard and flax both burn up toxic accumulation in the pelvis when applied even topically  As I’ve discussed before toxic accumulation is invariably associated with the IC condition

There is no pain without this toxic accumulation so it behooves all people with IC to promote a good strong digestive fire or agni to burn off this toxic residue  This waste is oily, sticky, stinky, cold, and heavy(see picture)  So who would want that?

All the best on your journey  DB

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