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Are All Vegetables Created Equally? Not In IC

Are All Vegetables Created Equally?  Not In IC

VegetablesThe flare pain in IC bladder pain as we have talked about in the past is related to the hot and mobile qualities according to the energy science tradition  But as you know it’s darn difficult to find out what qualities are in foods

That’s why the food lists of various foods are suggested to give you food choice guidance

What Veggies Are Good Choices for IC?

The food list at is dedicated to those foods that are Pitta(energy of transformation that delivers the hot quality) aggravating  But with respect to vegetable selection

One of the first things you’ll note is that it’s either yes or no….no in betweens   Pretty black and white but the don’t favor list is important

For example, all the nightshades are problematic(tomato, eggplant, and peppers unless sweet), and corn of any type or form  Spinach, turnips and its greens, radishes, and beets including its greens   Then there are the obvious such as horseradish and hot chiles

I think the most important is the corn and tomatoes because they are so often used in our cultures

Energy Food Guidelines for More Selection

At the choices are divided into 3 columns so the choices are broken down into 3 columns giving you the choice of the “in between” or moderation meaning you can use these vegetables 2-3 times per week  You’ll have to take the test under Getting Started in order to find out which 2 energy patterns are prominent before you choose your type of nutritional format   Notice that tomatoes is in the No column for all energy patterns (Some believe that if you remove the seeds from the tomato and just use the outer section of the vegetable it will be OK)

Also notice that for the Pitta Vata energy pattern combination corn and tomatoes are still problematic

Vegetables That Are Good Choices for Everyone

Regardless of which format you choose the following vegetable choices are the best for people with IC

Asparagus                                                       Cooked carrots

Green beans                                                   Cucumber

Peas                                                                   Zucchini

Cooked onions/leeks                                 Sweet potato

Okra                                                                  Rutabaga

If you want to be safe about your vegetable food choices the above would  be the best  Consult more with the foodsheal link with respect to your specific energy pattern  The above list will help you stay away from the hot and mobile qualities that produce the syptoms of IC

All the best in healing IC     DB





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