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The Amazing Bowel Herb and the Flares of IC

The Amazing Bowel Herb and the Flares of IC

Spices at the MarketThe painful bladder flares of IC that disrupt relationships, affect social planning, and by and large make life very hard are poorly understood from a molecular point of view   The matter science medical perspective of disease is that the molecules cause disease   In contrast the energy science medicine sees all disease beginning in the GI tract as an imbalance as an imbalance of qualities

This contrast is important because it means the difference between tolerating the misery of flares versus clearing the disease that causes the flares

The Interface Between INSIDE and OUTSIDE

The energy science states that all of matter both inside the body and outside the body is made up of 10 pairs of vibrational frequencies each named as a quality (hot/cold, dry/oily etc)   This means the same qualities that energetically make are the food you consume are the same qualities that compose the body

When you take in a hot chili the quality of hot is taken in through the bowel interface and the quality of hot is increased in the body because of the choice to have that hot chili that increases the possibility of a flare   So the bowel surface becomes the membrane by which you experience the external world   Since the hot quality produces in large part IC and flares, you can see how important nutrition is in interstitial cystitis

Establishing Balance in the Body

Now that IC and flares are occurring for you, the excess hot quality is present in the body   There is an obvious imbalance in the body   How can you get rid of it and hence your flares?   That is bring about balance of the hot and cold qualities

You can stop adding more hot quality by changing your nutrition and not using incompatible food combinations, that’s one way   But another effective way is to reduce the amount of the hot quality in the gut and suck the hot quality back into the GI tract so it can be eliminated from the body

This is where a bowel herb like triphala can be useful   In this particular case of IC, triphala causes the reduction in the hot quality and urges the return of hot to the GI tract


This herb is a standard prescription in the energy science of Ayurveda because it has the above effect   It balances all phases of digestion, absorption, assimilation and elimination    In the end it produces balance in the GI tract by tonifying or strengthening the bowel function   It’s very helpful for those with IC with complication IBS

Everyone who is struggling with painful flares and disruption in relationships due to IC should be taking triphala   My personal bias is that the powder form should be used over tablet form since there may be many additives in the tablet form

The best time to take the herb is at bedtime and this helps stimulate the colon for elimination the next morning   You can take the half a  teaspoon of powder straight up with water or boil for 5 minutes, strain, and drink as a tea in the evening

You can try it out with a small 2.5oz package that’s $5 with instructions on the package at this link

Another way to get this herbal formula is at ic solutions store at this link 

Until next week                     To Health as a Skill     Love Dr Bill


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