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IC and Bladder Inflammation: Herbal Remedies

IC and Bladder Inflammation:  Herbal Remedies

The pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder   The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation

So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF)   This is not rocket science, folks!   And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF   For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect

Now the well respected National Institutes of Health(NIH) published a year ago(October of 2011) a review article on antiinflammatory therapies using the energy science Ayurvedic formulary   This article essentially says what I have been advocating for the last 5 years:  that we need to marry the matter science discipline of the West(so called matter science healing) with the energy sciences such as Ayurveda and the traditional Oriental Medicine(TOM)   An East meets West in healing traditions

Importance of the Study

This may not seem like a big deal to a casual observer but as an interested clinician involved in the treatment of such chronic diseases as IC this type of article is landmark  The event metaphorically states that even a conservative government agency such as the NIH is willing to review, endorse, and support the use of natural therapies of the energy science of Ayurveda, recognizing them as not only safe but efficacious

In the health arena it is very normal and expected that the consumer with a painful bladder is timid about trying “new therapies” that can potentially help them because nobody in the medical establishment has condoned their value   Further the allopathic(matter science clinicians) tradition are reticent to support the use of such therapies since they are not “tried and true” and supported by evidence based medical(EBM)review

Because of this there is a tendency in the current medical profession to stonewall articles that speak to the use of natural remedies to help with painful bladder syndrome because they are not consistent with the status quo and EBM

The AIF Nutritional Format

But what about just regular food?   Hippocrates, said to be the father of Western medicine, wrote that “Food is medicine and medicine is food”   We have been so ingrained traditionally to believe that food is just something we put in our mouths and it takes care of our appetites that it doesn’t really have a medicinal effect to help a painful bladder

But let’s rethink this  If you take in 3T of salt you know that there will direct and distinct physiologic consequences   You’ll pee more, require lots of water, maybe get acid indigestion, have tight feeling skin, have excess hot sensation in the body   All because you took in some food in this case salt

The energy science perspective is that foods can be inflammatory and that’s why they lead to symptoms of pain   So a well delineated energy science nutritional format can be AIF with no grey areas   It won’t lead you astray   Coupled with the incompatible food combination list which is basically a group of foods that when joined together produce inflammation you have a way of using nutrition in a AIF way

There are three things you can do right now to help yourself with IC pain

1 Go to the above links and begin following the nutritional formats

2 Begin using the AIF cocktail we spoke about in an earlier blog

3 Begin using cumin, coriander, fennel seeds, tumeric, and cardamon in your cooking   All are AIF

Until next time                        To Health as a Skill       Love DrBill

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